Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Live. Laugh. Love.

Visualize a Christian in your mind. I'll do it with you.

When I think about a Christian, I think of a chubby, obnoxious, preachy, humorless white person who never has any fun (because God told them that they couldn't) and thinks everybody else should be the same way.

Now visualize someone of another religion.

Ah, now. There' s a person with whom I'd want to be friends. Why? Well, they're interesting. They dress interestingly. They know how to have a good time. They have a culture of their own. When I really, honestly think about it, I would rather make friends with someone of a different religion than someone who was a Christian.

Here's the thing: I'm a Christian. And I'm not just a Christian-in-name-only-- I'm a pastor's wife. I have a degree in Christian Worship and Ministries. I've devoted my life to following Jesus. But I'll be honest with you; sometimes, in that deep, dark, honest place in my soul, I almost wish I hadn't. And it's not because I don't believe in Christianity. It's because American Christianity has become so incredibly lame.

Go back to that original mental picture of a Christian. White, rigid, impotent. Do you know who the original Christians were? Middle Eastern people with a deep and rich culture and heritage. They were strong, powerful people. They accepted those who the other religions at the time rejected. I would want to be friends with them.

I'm sure that, when He was on earth, Jesus laughed. Do we think that we're more pious if we can't? Jesus accepted other people who were as far from being like Him as possible. Do we think we are holier if we don't? Jesus lived and participated in a rich culture when He took on humanity. Do we think we are more righteous and wholesome if we won't?

Let's take back our culture. Let's laugh. Let's love.

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